The Core Electives Bundle contains all three classes in the Core Electives in a bundled discount. Save $89 by registering for all three classes. See Complete Core Curriculum Bundle for even more savings! 

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Classes Included:


One of the misconceptions about voice over is that it requires proper and polished speaking, when in truth it requires emotionally connected and intentional talking. And since our emotions and intentions arise spontaneously, we must manufacture or “act” the emotion and intention authentically. That’s why it’s called voice acting, and not voice speaking. In this impactful class, you’ll build your foundation of taking an action-based approach to copy. You’ll discover your motivation, break copy down into beats, learn how to score a scene, and imbue your copy with meaning, subtext, emotion and intention.


Live your dream of working full-time as a voice actor by developing your freelance business skills!

The first part of our Career Core series is taught by Voice One alum and attorney, Angeli Fitch, who built her voice over business from student to full-time working actor. She will cover creating an effective business plan, setting realistic goals, using time tracking and management strategies to stay on target, and conducting focused industry research.

Then Sally will follow up with a go-to resource grid on who’s who in the industry and how they will play a part in your career growth, networking and self-promotion.

Lastly, Jim Edgar will serve as your fees and finance guide to help you figure out how to set your rates, determine industry standards, and figure out what to charge.


Unveil the kinesthetic process of speech, practice warm-up and strengthening exercises, and perform heightened text that challenges even the seasoned speaker. Zero-in on your problem areas such as slurred words, enunciation difficulties, and regionalisms. Strengthen your lips, tongue, and jaw so you are free to focus on your acting and intention. And discover how to get through hours of narration and video game voice over by exploring breathing, resonance, and posture to master the tips and tricks that keep your voice healthy and happy all day long

Regular Price: $1467

Savings of $89

$ 1,379.00 USD